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RSA Article:

Reasons for Taking an RSA Course

The Australian Authorities made it compulsory for Responsible Service of Alcohol to be taken by everyone in the hospitality industry due to the many accidents caused by excessive alcohol intake. With the Responsible Service of Alcohol or commonly known as RSA, accidents due to alcohol intake can be minimized. In addition, the RSA is also needed for important reasons, in legal, social and health requirements. For those who will take the RSA course the importance and the danger of alcoholic drinks are emphasized to better understand the existence of RSA.

Let us explore the reasons for the RSA course in the hospitality industry. The first important reason is for the health of people. It is a fact that alcoholic drinks have negative effects to a person’s health. Alcohol causes metabolism changes for the liver and the brain. The effect of this will lead to slurred speech, delayed reflexes and clumsiness. The worst thing that alcohol brings is when a person becomes alcoholic. The Responsible Service of Alcohol minimizes incidents that harm people due to excessive alcoholic intake.

The second motive for the Responsible Service of Alcohol is for social reasons. Excessive intake of alcohol leads to intoxication and then it can lead to over active people and if not regulated can make people unaware of their actions. People who become intoxicated with alcohol are not that conscious with their actions. Even in a silent place they become noisy and even if they disturb the peace and safety of a place they just don’t care. This behavior is not acceptable in public places especially in bars, hotels and other hospitality industry areas. With the RSA the social environment’s condition is improved and can be kept safe.

The third reason for the RSA course is for legal requirements. This third reason is associated with the two reasons mentioned earlier. With the negative effects of alcohol to people certain situations can be aggravated. For instance people who are having fun and gets too drunk can cause ruckus and can even make damages to some properties. The police will then take action since there are legal sanctions when the law involving the RSA is neglected.

The Responsible Service of Alcohol serves as a guide to have an in depth understanding of the effects of alcohol and how to minimize its negative effects to the society. Also it helps protect the people serving in the hospitality industry and protect also the customers that go into the industry.

Here at the Best Training, the importance of serving alcohol responsibly is tackled and discussed. When learning the Responsible Service of Alcohol course the fundamental concepts about alcohol is first emphasized then the appropriate serving of alcohol is then taught to those who take the course. For more inquiries about Responsible Service of Alcohol you can contact [email protected] or Ph: (03) 9010 5029.

Start an RSA course today with Best Training: RSA Online

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